3 Benefits That You Get When You Use Paper Bag

People would buy bags to carry material things or products that they bought in a shop or market.  It is quite comfortable to carry the stuff you bought when  use are using a bag.

Plastic bags became quite famous and trendy. Many people started using them in almost all the parts of this world. Until the time it is found to be dangerous for the well-being of this planet. It has raised high alarm in all those who are concerned about the environment and global warming.

Immediately people started to search  out substitutes that can replace the plastic bags and provide us with a remedy. It is when innovators have come with the idea to use Paper Shopping Bags.

Paper shopping bags has less of an impact  on the environment then plastic bags. Paper is also recyclable and seems to be the best substitute. Here are few reasons why you should start using a paper bag and not plastic bags.

Paper Is Bio-degradable:  Plastic has a terrible name because it is not safe and is harmful to our environment. Mainly due to the reason that it takes many centuries before it dissolves after you bury it in the landfill.

As per few reports, plastic is not at all a biodegradable product. It takes almost five hundred or nearly thousand years before UV rays from the sun destroy it.

In a report released by Environmental Protection Agency, oil amounting to 12 million barrels is used to make plastic bags. This figure is just to meet the demands only in the US.

Paper, however, takes not much time before it gets decomposed. It is quite simple and effortless. When many people start using paper bags, it demands will eventually increase. It will then reduce the production of plastic bags.

There is much good that will happen to the environment when we all start using paper shopping bags than we could ever imagine.

You Can Recycle: The best part about  paper bags is that they make it out of recyclable products. Mostly they use paper and fiber to make the bags which is a beautiful thing to do.  They use almost 35 percent of the material in producing a recyclable paper bag.

When it comes to plastic bags, however, you do not have the flexibility to recycle them again like paper. Many companies do not like to reuse them as they are prone to get clogged in the equipment. It is time-consuming, and a costly process and thus many companies have no interest.

Save Marine Animals: Plastic litter which includes plastic bags are the main reason for many of the marine creatures to die. Plastic bags can block the throat and will not allow food to enter the stomach.

Due to starvation, most of the creatures including sea turtle, as well as minke whales and seabirds, die. Most of the animals get confused thinking that the plastic bag is jellyfish or some other food. They end up swallowing it.

You can avoid this when you use paper shopping bags. If you love our planet, you should always think of ways to protect this beautiful world.


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