Apparel Boxes: Also Known as Clothing Boxes

Clothing Boxes

You might recognize them as clothing boxes since they most commonly come from purchases of apparel at clothing and department stores, but the proper term for them is apparel boxes. These boxes are slim, stackable, lightweight, and pack clothes neatly.

Apparel boxes are also cheap and cost less than a dollar each. These boxes come in many sizes to accommodate all kinds of clothing items from kid's apparel to bulky jeans and outfits. Apparel boxes also come in brown or white colors, and leave plenty to the imagination for how they can be customized by either your partner printing company or your own aspiring artists at work.

What Are Apparel Boxes meant for?

While apparel boxes are not considered an essential item for clothing stores, they are beneficial in many ways that help both consumers and businesses. These boxes are easy to open for convenience in mind, so they are not ideal for shipping items by mail. However, business owners still buy them for other reasons.

The Go-To Option for Gift-Giving

Clothing stores offer apparel boxes with the purchase of clothes so that they are easy to present as gifts for recipients. Consumers find it hard to gift-wrap clothing without boxes, and without a box, clothes won't stay folded neatly inside. Your patrons will love having the option to have apparel boxes when they need them. These boxes can also be covered in gift wrap, and it is so easy to do so that stores are willing to do it as customers make their purchases.

Returns Are Made Simpler

When it comes to birthdays and holidays, recipients always tend to be given stacks of clothes inside apparel boxes. But if one or two articles of clothing need to be returned or exchanged, the apparel box makes things easier every step of the way. By having clothing items instantly associated with certain boxes, you’ll be able to quickly know where you need to go to return a specific article of clothing without looking through your receipts. Having apparel boxes helps customers who want to resolve their issues quickly, and they can also help them stay loyal to businesses like yours as a result.

Remarkable for Online Businesses

Shipping goods inside apparel boxes will certainly require more costly packaging than normal, but every little can go a long way in making your customers happy. Customers who buy gifts online will be overjoyed in a surprising way when they notice that their gift came in an already gift-wrapped or wrap-able box, which greatly spares them time and resources. If customers are buying clothing for themselves, an apparel box can also make for a pleasant unboxing experience when the customer appreciates the professionalism and time invested into making your packaging look better than they expect. Yes, apparel boxes can be used as a way to simply show your appreciation for the patronage of your buyers.


Apparel boxes are those slim, lightweight boxes you often associate with clothing bought in select stores. These boxes can be purchased in bulk for any business that needs them. For consumers that buy clothing as gifts, apparel boxes are greatly recommended, as they can help create nice-looking gifts for family or friends, and make it easy to know where an item needs to be returned to. Apparel boxes are also customizable for businesses, as they can look either handmade or designed professionally by local printing companies.


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