Casting a ...SMALLER... net?

Centuries ago, a standard practice of fishing was to throw huge nets over the side of your boat. When a school of fish swam by, they'd run straight into your net and you'd haul in a big catch.

That's a great plan if you just want to catch fish. But what if you want to catch only bass? Or you're really needing to haul in just a single rainbow trout?

That's when you need to have SPECIFIC TOOLS and SPECIFIC STRATEGIES. You need to go fishing in the right spot, with one fishing pole, with the right lure, at the right time of day, etc...

Instead of casting a large net indiscriminately, hone in on a specific set of tools and strategies to target your ideal clients.

The same is true of your marketing.

Today's marketing landscape is very complex. If you don't have specific tools and specific strategies for different clients that you want to do business with, then chances are you're spending a lot of time working with clients that really aren't profitable for you, or that aren't really serious about investing in your product or service.

Today’s marketing landscape is very complex.

The tools and strategies that you use will depend on what you are trying to catch. But the first step is to realize that casting a smaller net, or better yet - fishing with a pole and specific lure, can greatly increase the chances that you end up working with the right kind of client more often.

What tools and strategies should you be using, or have used in the past, to attract specific types of clients to your business?


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