Creating Enticing Countertop Displays for Your Customers

If you have ever been to a store and waited in line on the checkout counter, chances are, there might be something that has caught your attention and you started to wonder if that product would be something that you need. Even though you might not actually need that item, its convenient location right at the checkout counter is enough to change your mind.

Customers in your store most likely have the same though process. Therefore, having an enticing countertop at your checkout is a design feature that you might think twice about adding if you haven't already.

Create Unique Signage:

It is always about the visual and graphical effect. When your customers are lining up, you want to take one last chance to tempt them into buying additional products. You can only increase the chances of this happening by creating an eye-catching signage.

A good signage will first catch their attention and then direct their attention to the product displays. Make the color of the signage contrast the colors of your counter so that it stands out and catches the eye easily. 


CounterSimplicity is Key:

After you have carefully designed the visual element of your signage, you need to think about the message you will put on it. You want the message to be short and simple. Anything too long will deter customer interest. 

According to psychological studies, the message should be relayed in less than seven words.

Focus on a Single Product at a Given Time:

Another aspect where you can be simple is to actually display one kind of product at a time. When you display different products, you will only confuse your customers and when they have to think about which products to buy, they would ultimately talk themselves out of getting anything else at all.

Remember they are already at the counter so they do not have the luxury of time to think if they need any more products. This means that if you are trying to seduce them with impulse buying, you should do so with only one product because they are only left with the choice whether to pick it up and add to their cart or not.

Change is Constant:

Your store will not have the same demographic customers. You do not get people of the same age or gender to visit your store every single day. You will have visitors from different categories. This means that different products will appeal to each group.

With this in mind, it is just right that you constantly change and vary the products you put on your countertop displays. This way, you can target impulse buying to more groups of your customers. Study your foot traffic once in a while and observe which groups commonly visit your store on a particular season and display a product that will appeal to them on your counter the next time.


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