Effective Ways to Display Jewelry

A few essential components are needed to set up a jewelry counter to look complete from a visual merchandising perspective. Jewelry store owners will want to find products that complement their existing displays and provide the functionality the need. Most retailers sell a variety of goods in different brackets, from more expensive ones to more affordable.

A jewelry display style is the first thing a retailer needs to choose. Depending on what is being presented in the store, various solutions are available, ranging from earring displays to an eclectic necklace and ring displays.

Less-priced items can be shown on earring cards or other products that enable customers to pick up an item stored on an accessible display. More opulent things may be safer behind glass in a showcase, but they must also be presented with care. This type of display might utilize earring racks and ring stands, made from leather, or another premium material. Additionally, hand displays may depict a variety of rings on a person's fingers. There are tall bronze necklace displays that will provide a more dramatic presentation and neck displays that model human necks for necklace exhibition.

Don't forget to stock up on many jewelry boxes to pack the goods for later sale. Even the less expensive products on display will seem better with velvet boxes because they provide a premium feel.

Additional Components that Compose a Jewelry Counter

Mirrors can be placed alongside jewelry displays so customers can get a look at how products look on them. A tray for holding rings is a lovely addition to the countertop of a glass jewelry display case.

When someone shops for something specific and goes through items one at a time, trays designed for safely collecting products can be helpful to your staff. 

The average time customers spend viewing a display is between 10 and 15 seconds. Using contrast to create a surprise and exquisitely gorgeous design that juxtaposes several earrings, necklaces, and rings together in one display is a terrific way to catch someone's attention. The idea is to display everything in a way that draws attention to each item's inherent beauty.

Ensure that the juxtapositions make sense; everything must fundamentally balance. How jewelry is displayed in the store is important because, when done well, each piece benefits from its surroundings. People will, however, leave the counter with the impression that the jewelry is less appealing than it is if certain pieces stand out and take center stage or if the setup is made in a way that appears sloppy or hastily done without assessment of color schemes and the arrangement of all the pieces of jewelry alongside the right accessories and displays.


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