ESL Newsletter VIII

Multi-channel retail is making your products available for purchase using more than one outlet: common multi-channel would include online platforms such as your website, Amazon, Facebook, eBay, Etsy, and offline channels such as a brick-and-mortar store, pop-up stores at Farmers Markets, sporting or music venues and other physical outlets.


Having a multi-channel presence in retail is more critical than ever before. Merchants can no longer focus their efforts entirely in the brick and mortar world, or entirely online, both are of equal importance. Retailers who don’t keep up with technology will, no doubt, lose out on and future growth. Not only is it essential to have a robust multi-channel presence it must be a cohesive experience across all the channels. According to the Pew Research Center only 21% of people that shop in a brick and mortar store do not check prices online, that means most shoppers check prices online before making a purchase. As the shoppers who have been around this technology their entire lives gain wealth, this trend will continue and grow. Before too many years nearly every customer in your store will check the price online before making a purchase.


This is where Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) come into play as a critical component of the multi-channel experience. ESL's can tie to your inventory system. Change a price in your POS/inventory system, the label, website and the register will all show the same information. You can imagine the embarrassment and loss of customer loyalty if your customer found a price on your website that was higher (or lower) than it is in the physical store.  Customers will very often check their phone for reviews and additional information on a product in a brick and mortar store.  With an ESL you could display a 3D barcode that directs them to either the manufactures site or your site lowering the chances they will even look at a competitor’s site.




For these reasons and many more incorporating Electronic Shelf Labels as part of your marketing and store operation plan is critical.


Did you get to join our Webinar about ESL's? Here is what was covered.


 What are Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL’s)? ESL's are a new innovative, exciting and modern technology for brick and mortar stores. With the threat of online competition, information-hungry consumers, and changing trends, NOW more than ever, you need ESL's not only to survive but to thrive in the dawn of a New Brick and Mortar Retail Age. Learn more about ESL’s and get any questions answered in our informative 20 min webinar.

 In this webinar you will:


 •    Learn how ESL's work

 •    See ESL's in action

 •    Discover how ESL's will lower labor costs & increase profit

 •    Find out what type of stores are currently using ESL's

 •    Have the opportunity to ask questions about ESL's


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