Holiday Decoration Guide for Retail Stores

Retailers who want to make the most of this holiday season will be thinking of creative ways that they can use holiday decorations to show off their products and boost their sales. Seasonal displays are a great way to draw people in, but they can also require some planning.

Having a hard time finding a guide for inspiration? See some of our favorite ideas below:

Christmas Lights

Any type of soft lighting enhances a product, and Christmas lights or holiday candles are no exception. White lights look great with a variety of holiday décor. Use colored lights to draw attention to products that you want to stand out.


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A theme is always a great option, because it gives your displays continuity and can help sell products in bundles if displayed correctly. You can do a Santa theme, a snowman theme, etc…

Milk and Cookies

Food is an essential part of the holiday season. Smart retailers almost always incorporate some type of treat or goodies in their displays. These can be for purchase, or you can give away free goodies that customers can munch on while they browse.

Idea: make a deal with the local coffee shop or restaurant in your area. Keep their menu on hand and offer those options to your customers. You can have one of your employees order the meal or drinks over the phone and have them delivered to your customers while they browse. It keeps them in YOUR store while they wait, and the customers love it.

Alternatively, you can set up a little stand with coffee or cider. The details depend on your situation. But the main idea is to keep people in your store. The chances of someone “impulse buying” a product are directly related to how long they browse in your store.

Garland and Glitter

In general, the holidays give you a great excuse to brighten up your store with all sorts of garnishes. Holiday décor is as varied as it is prolific, so the main advice is: have fun! Again, theme might help guide you towards decorating with a purpose.

Bonus: Customers don’t like to feel like that are being “watched” or “monitored” by employees who have nothing to do. Putting up or maintaining decorations gives your employees a chance to be productive and not stand around, potentially making customers uncomfortable.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree......

Having a Christmas tree creates a focal point for your store. People are naturally drawn to it. If you do have treats available for customers, a great place to put them is by the tree. Also, if you are running a promotion or a special, this is a great place to put your marketing materials. People tend to be drawn in to the tree and then notice your special flyer or coupon.

The Extra Touches

Don’t forget the extra effect that things like tissue paper, bows and ribbons make. You can find some great, inexpensive products here that can really make the difference in your visual displays and product enhancements.

The Most Important Thing…

As always, a friendly staff is the best recipe for a happy and successful holiday season at your store. Remember to SMILE and always greet every customer warmly. If you’re looking for a great resource on this, get The Happy Customer Handbook from Keith Lee. It’s a handy guide that you can use to remind yourself of what’s really important: Treating people right and continuing to build quality relationships with your customers.


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