How To Improve Your Store Display With Gridwall

Retail stores have to display their products to entice customers. Product displays can be in different colors, sizes, designs, and patterns. One of the most wonderful display ideas to consider for your store is gridwall. This is a popular choice for many business owners because of it's versatility and multi-functional abilities.


Choose the right display

 Gridwall displays offer larger access to products in your store. Additionally, the displays give the place an open and clean look. Gridwall also comes in different design, patterns, and colors ensuring that you choose the most appropriate display to match your product. The grid is usually made from .25-inch diameter cords in 3-inch squares. These cords are intricately welded at intersections for strength. While the .25 inch is standard, you can customize the size to fit your needs as well.


Product Weight

 Gridwall displays are made out of wire, making them sturdy and able to support products with different weight variations. Some of the most common items displayed on gridwall include clothes, footwear, electronic items, and other domestic tools. Additionally, you can add small hooks to the gridwall for displaying bags, jewelry, hats, and hair accessories. 


Choose the right accessories

 Gridwall displays can be assembled practically anywhere. There’re options for gridwall that allow you to mount on the wall or to the floor according to your display configuration. Embellishing your display with the right Gridwall accessories  will make it more appealing. The accessories come in various designs to suit a variety of purposes. The most common gridwall accessories are:

The accessories are helpful when arranging small products and make the products easy to identify while also being displayed neatly. 


Proper positioning 

You can mount gridwall displays in a variety of ways. However, you have to ensure that you mount them in a strategic position to save space in your store. Additionally, ensure that you place the gridwalls where customers easily notice them. A great place is by the cash register!  This location might attract the customers to make impulse purchases. Another trick is to attach legs to the grid panels for wonderful floor displays. These are easy to notice, lightweight, and can be moved around to find a more effective position like on the sidewalk to attract special holiday sales. 


Visibility is key

Gridwall displays have to be mounted in positions where customers can easily notice your products. Shoplifting is common in retail stores . So, ensure that the gridwall doesn’t hinder watching customers’ activity. Luckily, gridwall has a see-through structure, occupies little space, and holds a sizeable number of items. 


And finally…

 Are you planning to open your retail store soon? Well, you have to think about displays and fixtures before anything else. These will hold your products to keep the store organized and for customers to notice the products. The trick is to check a reliable retail suppliers store for gridwall and necessary accessories to make your store organized and more appealing.


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