Reduce Shoplifting and Smash and Grab in a Jewelry Store

Jewelry Store

Not only can theft be very costly it will make your shop unsafe for employees and customers alike. The negative public relations of a smash and grab robbery could be devastating.

These simple steps will decrease the chance of your jewelry store from being robbed and reduce shoplifting. 


Install glass display cases with smash-proof glass:

 Many companies offer a smash-proof showcase option using "tampered" glass. Tampered glass is laminated much like a car windshield making a "smash and grab" robbery very hard for the crook. Also when ordering cases make sure you ask if the top glass can be pried off. If you are interested in a smash and grab case feel free to call/email us for more questions. 

Be prepared:

Before showing jewelry to your customer be sure to gather everything that you will need including trays, cleaning cloth notepad, calculator, business card, etc. Do not leave the jewelry unattended. It takes a few seconds to grab and run so do not turn away from your customer for even a moment; a moment is all it takes.

One at a time:

Show one piece of jewelry at a time; put the product back in the locked showcase before showing another. Show higher-end jewelry to one customer at a time. Giving each customer your full attention will not only reduce the chance of theft it will also increase your sales.

Pay attention, be focused, and stay alert:

Organized Retail Thieves (ORT) often work in groups. One person may pretend to be a customer, ask a question, start an argument or another form of distraction.

Lock it: 

Be sure to keep your display cases locked at all times even if you walk away for a short time, move to another showcase, remove or replace an item. Do not keep a key in the showcase. Depending on your dress code a retractable belt keychain may be a wise way to go.

No empty slots:

Keep every slot in your jewelry display trays filled with merchandise or a marker this way you will know if something is missing.

Display with care:

Do not display high-value jewelry near an exit, in one showcase or the same area of your store if possible.

Do it in private: 

For the high-end product having an exclusive area where customers can view the items will not only add security and scare off many potential crooks it will make a memorable and relaxed experience for your customer. Provide snacks, bottled water, and liquor if allowed by your state. Not only will you reduce your theft your customers will be amazed.

Make a plan:

Jewelers Mutual Insurance recommends that the jewelry display cases are laid out in a way that customers are forced to walk around the showcases, and other fixtures, to get to the exit door. Arranging your display fixtures like this will not only slow down the thief it may increase sales.


Talk to other retailers in your area, the police and owners or managers at other jewelry stores and get ideas what they do to prevent theft.


The best, and least expensive method of reducing shoplifting is to SERVE THE CUSTOMER.  Reinforce with your employees when they see, hear or meet a customer all other duties must be put on hold. First, foremost and fanatically SERVE THE CUSTOMER. Doing this will not only increase sales (and profit) is will also reduce shoplifting. Chances are the thief will not take a risk if someone is watching them, they will go somewhere else.


Crime is part of the risk you take when owning a jewelry store; it is part of the cost of being in this business. While the is nothing you can do to eliminate all chances of crime in your shop doing these simple steps will reduce the chance, increase sales and make your shop a safer and more enjoyable place.


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