Purchasing an EAS System II

DIY = Bad Outcome

With the advent of YouTube, many people are attempting to do all sorts of things. A YouTube search of “DIY tooth removal” came up with over 900,000 hits, YIKES! Sure money could be saved pulling my teeth, but something tells me that is not a wise way to save money. While DIY EAS may not be as physically painful as tooth extraction, it could be excruciating if decreasing theft and increasing customer satisfaction is your goal. Having highly trained EAS technicians in your store makes it easy for you to maintain installs, updates and even training your staff which is all a key point to a functional and effective system that will reduce theft.

Failing EAS Systems can lead to attracting thieves and even worse, organized retail thieves. Just the opposite can happen when EAS systems have false alarms, leaving the customer feeling irritated and annoyed while also wasting your employees time. With false alarms, your employees will either turn the system off or ignore the signal rendering your system useless. It is imperative that the EAS manufacturer you choose has a network of EAS technicians nationwide that are trained on the specific EAS system you are purchasing.

Major retailers Target, Walgreens, Kohls, are not interested in having their staff working on sophisticated equipment, are you? Internet Connectivity: This has become a critical feature. This allows the company to preform services remotely. In many cases, this will eliminate an onsite service call and reduce your costs. An internet connection will also let you use other current and future applications. This will also allow features such as a people counting, alarm reporting, and more. Many Checkpoint systems are capable of connecting to the Internet.

A retailer’s decision to purchase an EAS system can seem to be a simple one. However, many of my customers failed and without proper research, you will not get the outcome you are looking for either. Fortunately with a little knowledge and planning, an EAS system can be simple to use, maintain and an excellent return on investments. Purchasing the wrong system for your store not only will be a waste of money it will frustrate you, your employees and most importantly your customers.

Product Highlight: Checkpoint’s EVOLVE-


Exclusive Range offers an exclusive collection of designer based solutions. For retailers whose store designs require something more unique. All based on EVOLVE technology for the best of the best.

Bonus Tip:

Lights Light It Up!! Having a well-lit store will not only deter shoplifting it will increase sales and make your store a more pleasant place to work. Thanks, -Mark Turner


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