What to Consider when Selecting Grid wall Accessories

Finding effective ways of displaying the merchandise in your store requires you to be aware of the different options available. Acquiring a grid wall is a great way to stack your products if you don’t have plenty of space in your shop. This allows you to use a variety of grid wall accessories to display different products.


How you arrange the items in your retail store will depend on a variety of factors, including the amount of space available and the kind of goods in question. Some products such as fresh foodstuffs, for example, may require more upkeep than others. Non-perishable objects, on the other hand, can be easily stored given the right utilities. Dealing with items such as books, toys, electronics, or jewelry means you mostly only have to worry about displaying your wares in a manner that makes them easily noticeable. If you are trying to save on space, using a grid wall is a good way to achieve this objective.


A grid wall is a retail fixture made up of divided segments that allow for the display of different goods. There are also a few complimentary accessories that are designed to be used with this platform. These are generally attached by placing their connecting ends onto a segment of the grid wall. The particular grid wall accessories chosen depend on a few elements that should be considered when making such a decision. Some of these include:


Grid Wall Accessories


Size and Dimension


The first aspect that should be studied when you’re looking for an appropriate grid wall accessory is the type of goods being displayed. Large and bulky products, for example, will need adequate support to stop them from falling off the platform. This means that the accessory chosen should be able to support the item’s weight comfortably. In most cases, the bigger the dimensions of an accessory, the more weight it can support.


Accessory Design


How an option supports its contents should also be taken into consideration. Grid wall shelves and baskets, for example, are a preferable option when dealing with big products that require significant space for display. Smaller items such as key chains, however, can be displayed using alternatives such as hooks or brackets.

The kind of products you sell might also affect your decision when considering the design of your options. Delicate clothing items, for example, might go better with plastic accessories to avoid any potential damage when being placed and removed from their displays.


Special Requirements


The design of your display platform at times might require you to factor in special consideration for particular needs. Using glass shelves, for instance, can be a tricky subject due to its potential to slip and fall. The smooth surface of glass can sometimes make it hard for a display section to enjoy a stable foundation. Such a problem can be fixed with the integration of a shelf rest equipped with rubber bottoms. The rubber stops will prevent the glass from potentially slipping out of place.

An important element that should always be taken into consideration is the quality of the accessories available. Choosing a reliable producer of such products enhances your chances of enjoying good value for money.


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