Tagged with 'ESL'

ESL Newsletter VI

The modern consumer demands more and is ever keen on initiatives by a retailer to enhance their shopping experience. An advanced solution to ensure shoppers always get the price right is to invest in the industry revolutionizing electronic shelf labels.

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ESL Newsletter VII

Do you want your store to become part of the "New Brick and Mortar Retail Age"  or would you prefer to be left behind? If you would prefer to prosper, and not be left behind in this New Brick and Mortar Retail Age, Electronic Shelf Labels are for you.

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What You Need to Know About Electronic Shelf Labels?

Inventory maintenance is a priority for every retail business. If you keep too much inventory, you will be having an overstock and if you keep little inventory, you will run the chance of having lost sales and unhappy customers. Retailers are using the latest technology to carry out their inventory processes. Through the technology, they will know when the store is running out of stock and begin the restock process. However, if the retailers realize the ability of technology and the ways in which it can transform their business operations, they can change the face of their business. 


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