Tagged with 'ESLs'

ESL Newsletter IX

There are 6 ways that electronic shelf labels can help retailers manage inventory levels in the store. By Eileen Keehan

 Maintaining inventory levels is the lifeblood of the retail industry: Too much inventory leads to overstocks and too little inventory leads to out-of-stocks. According to the IHL Group, overstocks and out-of-stocks, or inventory distortion as the analyst firm refers to it, cost retailers close to $1.1 trillion a year globally.


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ESL Newsletter VIII

Multi-channel retail is making your products available for purchase using more than one outlet: common multi-channel would include online platforms such as your website, Amazon, Facebook, eBay, Etsy, and offline channels such as a brick-and-mortar store, pop-up stores at Farmers Markets, sporting or music venues and other physical outlets.

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ESL Newsletter VI

The modern consumer demands more and is ever keen on initiatives by a retailer to enhance their shopping experience. An advanced solution to ensure shoppers always get the price right is to invest in the industry revolutionizing electronic shelf labels.

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ESL Newsletter VII

Do you want your store to become part of the "New Brick and Mortar Retail Age"  or would you prefer to be left behind? If you would prefer to prosper, and not be left behind in this New Brick and Mortar Retail Age, Electronic Shelf Labels are for you.

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ESL Newsletter III

As most retailers can attest, perceived inconsistencies between the online and offline worlds can lead to customer dissatisfaction and ultimately lost sales. Consumers believe it’s not possible to receive the same promotion or rebate in-store as online. They also believe that prices are always lower online and inventory is more accurately portrayed online than in a physical store. These perceptions are among the reasons that consumers are increasingly bypassing the physical store in favor of shopping online. Brick and mortar stores must find a way to create seamless channel experiences in order to maintain customers’ desire for consistent in-store experiences and real-time product information.


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ESL Newsletter IV

Today more than ever the customer must be first, shopping should be an experience, pricing must be up to date and information abundant. Successful stores are doing what they can to create a customer-centric experience, deliver personalization and invest in any way to attract and keep shoppers. The question begs “How do I create an experience?” “How do I match an online store’s ability to update pricing quickly?” "How do I give customers the information needed to make an informed decision?”

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ESL Newsletter V

Yes, that $2.75 coffee cup is $2.75.  Not too sure about you but it irks me when I see a price that says $1.79 plus tax, and when I get to the register it is $1.99 plus tax. Most of the time businesses will let it pass as I may be remembering wrong or it is just not worth mentioning. If this happens often enough, I may consider shopping somewhere else, sure your customer feels the same way.

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ESL Newsletter II

I find it rather amazing that stores, large and small, who have spent thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands on a store's decor and POS system still use paper tags and signs to price their products. They are essentially doing the same thing for in-store signage that was done 100 or even 200 years ago. If you are among the vast majority of retailers in the US that still use only paper tags and signs you have a good reason because until recently that was your only choice. The 21st Century and the information age finally comes to the store shelf.

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What You Need to Know About Electronic Shelf Labels?

Inventory maintenance is a priority for every retail business. If you keep too much inventory, you will be having an overstock and if you keep little inventory, you will run the chance of having lost sales and unhappy customers. Retailers are using the latest technology to carry out their inventory processes. Through the technology, they will know when the store is running out of stock and begin the restock process. However, if the retailers realize the ability of technology and the ways in which it can transform their business operations, they can change the face of their business. 


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Better Things to Spend Your Time On Then Pricing Manually

Running a retail store is not that easy as there are so many tasks that you have to do if you want your business to be successful. One of the significant responsibilities that people have in store is the task to update the prices of the products.

Electronic shelf labels are one of the best products that you can find to help keep your prices updated. With a click of a button, you can updated prices in your entire store without having to deal with labels or a label gun! 


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