Tagged with 'Retail Shopping'

ESL Newsletter V

Yes, that $2.75 coffee cup is $2.75.  Not too sure about you but it irks me when I see a price that says $1.79 plus tax, and when I get to the register it is $1.99 plus tax. Most of the time businesses will let it pass as I may be remembering wrong or it is just not worth mentioning. If this happens often enough, I may consider shopping somewhere else, sure your customer feels the same way.

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How You Can Use Your Website to Generate Business for Your Physical Store

Physical Store Front

Online stores make it easy for consumers to find what they are looking for anytime, anywhere, and they can get it with the click of a mouse. There are sites where you can buy something, and it arrives at your front door in just a couple of days. Many people even fear that the online shopping experience is taking a lot of business away from physical retailers. However, physical stores do have some advantages over online stores.

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