Tagged with 'boxes'

Apparel Boxes: Also Known as Clothing Boxes

Clothing Boxes

You might recognize them as clothing boxes since they most commonly come from purchases of apparel at clothing and department stores, but the proper term for them is apparel boxes. These boxes are slim, stackable, lightweight, and pack clothes neatly.

Apparel boxes are also cheap and cost less than a dollar each. These boxes come in many sizes to accommodate all kinds of clothing items from kid's apparel to bulky jeans and outfits. Apparel boxes also come in brown or white colors, and leave plenty to the imagination for how they can be customized by either your partner printing company or your own aspiring artists at work.

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How to Measure a Box (11Lx8wx2h)

Measure a Box

Sometimes, basic and the simplest things could look complicated. For example, if you want to measure a box, how do you ensure that you have used the right technique? Whether you want to fit something into the box or fit the box into another space, you should be aware of the measuring technique. If you know how to measure a box, you won’t be dependent on someone else to do the job for you. Whether it’s for professional or personal work, you must read further to know the details of measuring a box. All you require is a measuring tape or a ruler depending on the size of the box. Ensure that the scale has inches or centimeters displayed properly and that the numbers are not faded. You need to determine the length of each side of the box, the height, and the depth of the box. You must also measure the size of the things that must fit inside the box. There are three ways to measure a rectangle box.

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Gift Bags Vs. Gift Boxes: Which Is Best for Presents?

Gift wrapping has become less popular in recent years, as more people are opting to buy gift bags instead. The obvious reason why this change is a popular one is because gift wrapping can be rather messy and time consuming. Gift bags on the other hand, are easy to deal with and reusable. Another option that you can consider are gift boxes, which are rectangular and sturdy containers that also can be reused. Rather than wrapping paper, two piece gift boxes are great alternatives. Both gift bags and gift boxes have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Here are a few factors to mull over when choosing one over the other.


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