Tagged with 'pegboard'

A Quick Guide About the Origins of Pegboard and Selection

what you should look for. . The use of this material not only provides strength, but it also makes the pegboard highly attractive and sleek. There is no chance of damage to the board as well as its holes by hanging even the heavier tools. It is also rust-resistant and thus cannot be damaged by the moisture. It provides a long lasting option to be used for a variety of tools of different sizes.


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10 Steps to Follow When Installing a Pegboard Wall

A pegboard wall is a sure way to keep your workspace clean, safe, and well organized.  Not only does a pegboard wall ensure organization, it also utilizes vertical space. This is a convenient storage technique since pegboards are pre-punched on 1x1 grids, which can be shifted and reconfigured to satisfy needs that might come up later. Follow these installation steps and your endeavor will end in success.


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