Tagged with 'plastic bag'

Kinds of Stores That Could Use T Shirt Bags

If you are running a store, you might have quickly learned that plastic shopping bags offer plenty of room for several items at a time. For shoppers that only want to purchase a couple of smaller items, however, a regular-sized shopping bag might look and feel excessive. You need a smaller bag to give to shoppers, in this case, and fortunately, they exist.

T-Shirt Bag

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Ultimate Guide To Using Plastic Packaging Bags

When choosing packaging for your store, plastic bags are a wonderful option. They are made of flexible and thin plastic textile or film and come in various designs and types. Additionally,plastic bags come in 2 main densities, high and low, as well as a variety of thickness.With so many different options avalible, here is a guide to help narrow down your choices. 

plastic bag

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All About Plastic Packaging – High Density vs. Low Density


In the world of packaging, you might hear the words ‘high density’ and ‘low density’ a lot. If you are new and only know of the general T shirt bags, these terms may sound foreign and scary. Yes, they are technical terms but they are just simple words to differentiate the material used in manufacturing plasticbags.

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3 Things You Need to Consider Before Purchasing Store Fixtures

Store Fixtures

Starting a brick and mortar store is not a simple thing as many presume it to be. It needs you to invest the time and efforts as well as plan things carefully. Firstly, it is essential to know what kind of business you are planning to do.

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