Tips on How to Care Properly For Your Jewelry

Jewelry is expensive and unless you are insanely rich you may not want to see them damaged. Caring for jewelry is actually a skill most people do not have and this may be why they do replacements every time. Another major difference is taking care of cheap jewelry you acquire as a young adult is different from the world-class designer jewelry you procure as you grow up.  

So enough with the price, how are you supposed to show love for your jewelry, well you could buy quality jewelry gift boxes. And the good news, you can also use them as favor boxes too. Whether it is a favor box for the big wedding or a private event at your home, you can use these boxes to thank your guests. So the uses are plenty, meanwhile here are a few important tips to consider if you need your jewelry to last longer.  

Special Storage  

How and where do you store jewelry after using them? This detail is important in breaking or making your jewelry. You need to have jewelry gift boxes where each jewelry can be separately stored from another to avoid entangling. You would not want to find your soft rocks scratched by the hard ones which is why you need to take storage seriously. Finding each jewelry is furthermore easier if stored separately than when all put together in one container.

Simplicity — the Ultimate Sophistication  

Do not try to be too professional with the cleaning. By being professional, you may find yourself purchasing cleaning chemicals and the likes which is all wrong. You will be amazed at the extent of cleaning with warm water, soap and a soft toothbrush could do to your jewelry. To be honest, using expensive solvents or cleaners can destroy the shine of your jewelry and make them dull. Other simple solvents that could help with jewelry cleaning include oils and alcohol.

Sleeping With Jewelry is a Sin

This is the most common mistake people do especially men. First of all you may harm yourself or even destroy your jewelry when sleeping. Sleeping with your necklace or chain on might make the prong bend or worse still the strings might get cut on the process leading to loss of the rocks on your chain. Earrings and other ear studs might end up in your ear and cause a health problem. After an event, remove any jewelry you may have on including watches if at all you don’t want them to last.

Last to Put On and the First to Be Removed

When dressing up for an event, jewelry should come last. They help complete your look but besides you avoid dropping them off when wearing other things when dressing. Experts would tell you lotion, perfumes and hair sprays may cause damage and even make your jewelry dirty. After your special event, remove your jewelry the first thing before undressing. You would not want to drop your chain when removing a sweater.

Too Much Sun is Unadvisable

The sun’s rays have a bleaching effect both on clothes and jewelry. You have to shield your jewelry from direct sun if you need the shine to maintain. Discoloration is a common effect and your jewelry may just cease to be attractive with too much exposure to sunlight.


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