Top Tips for Choosing a Custom Tote Bag

Tote bags have become quite popular nowadays. This is partly attributed to increased environmental awareness of using eco-friendly products. These reusable bags for shopping have replaced plastic bags. When customized they can serve multiple purposes other than shopping for groceries. Customized tote bags are offered as giveaways at corporate events, trade shows, and even as shopping bags at large retailers.

If you have a business, you can print your company logo on the tote bag. In this way, you can boost your brand’s visibility. The fact that there are different sizes, styles, and color patterns, you can easily get carried away with these types of bags. When printing a logo on a personalized tote bag, there are different factors to take into account. They include the following.

Tote Bag

Material Choice

Ideally, these types of bags are available in two primary materials: non-woven polypropylene and cotton. The right material for the tote bag is dependent on your intended use and budget. You should note that cotton tote bags are a bit heavier as compared to your shirt. This is because they are made of 100% natural material.

The good thing about cotton is that it is quite durable and it is an eco-friendly option. However, it costs a lot. Moreover, it is washable. This makes it ideal for use as a shopping tote. Due to its high value, it is commonly used in high-end retailers.

On the other hand, non-woven polypropylene is made of molten plastic that is purely recycled plastic bottles. Its durability is dependent on the exact gram count. This material is cheaper as compared to cotton because it is made from the recycled bottles. Moreover, it is an eco-friendly material.

The fact that it can be used several times means that it is a durable material. These bags are available in a wide range of colors. This makes them ideal for use as giveaways at trade shows and conventions. The laminated ones have excellent features such as a wipeable and water-resistant surface. This ensures that they stand the test of time.


The right size is dependent on how you will use the bag. For instance, will you use them as marketing materials? Do you want your target customers to keep the tote bag and re-use it several times for shopping? Small tote bags make gifting quite easy. This is because they can hold small gift items. This explains why they are used for party favors or weddings. Also, they can be used at corporate events. You can use them to carry brochures, notebooks, pens, and small gifts. The large ones can be used for carrying groceries.


Before printing the logo on your tote bag, you want to ensure it has the right features. You can find the tote bags with shoulder straps whereas others have a cut-out handle for carrying the small gifts. Others offer convenient storage options. For instance, they can be folded when not in use. Also, there are reusable shopping bags for carrying wine and can be used as gift bags. Thus, you can get a tote bag that suits your personal or business needs.


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