Understanding the Elements of a Customized Package

Customized Packaging

If you are selling goods for a living, odds are you are looking for your own branded packaging, and there are many elements that make up this factor. Having a professional presentation of your company in the form of a bought item, you are sure to impress customers and entice them to buy from you again.

Here are the elements that make up branded package that you might want to consider.


The main shipping box is arguable the most important element to consider. Boxes that are brown or white are the most economical, as they are affordable, durable, and serve its purpose. For a customized box, you can spend a lot of money to buy premium boxes to show off your corporate colors, or you can buy cheaper items like tape, stamps, and stickers that bare your company image that can be placed on any box you ship.

Tissue paper

Tissue paper serves a multitude of purposes for shipping. Colored or printed tissue paper adds to the corporate imagery of your business, and it also gives an extra layer of protection while bundling multiple items together. Printed tissue paper also creates a sense of mystique of un-boxing a product, although it can be fussy to open when it tapes’ a product shut. If you have a sticker to secure a package with tissue paper, it will be much easier to open.


Besides the cost of boxes that you use to ship goods, filler is essential to ensure that the goods you ship do not get damaged from inside the box. While tissue paper does a good job with wrapping up an item, you will need more filler to occupy space in your box, so that it does not move around or shake when being transported.

Types of filler you can buy include packing peanuts, bubble wrap, foam inserts, air pillows, excelsior, and crinkled paper. Of all these filler items, crinkled paper works the best to show off your company’s colors. Excelsior works the best to transport heavier and more fragile objects like bottles of wine and electronics. All of these filler types are affordable, so do not hesitate to buy the type that you most prefer for your packages.

Business card

Business cards are an inexpensive way of adding more branding to your package. You do not have to make it a regular business card if you don’t want to. Business cards can include personal notes from you, codes for discounts towards the next purchase, or more ways for the customer to get in touch with your business. Customers will appreciate either of these options on a business card, as it will show you care for them.


While it doesn’t set a customer’s world on fire to receive a receipt along with their product, there is a lot that you can do to make a receipt unique. You can place the receipt in a special compartment in a box, or inside of a special envelope in a classy manner. Colored receipts are also something that is often overlooked, because as people keep receipts, all of them are white and bland. A colored receipt will stand out among a large white pile, making it much easier to find.


Freebies are extra gifts that the customer did not buy but are included inside the box free of charge. Freebies can range anywhere from customized pens to stress toys. Customers that receive these freebies will feel surprised and satisfied that they received a little extra for their purchase of your good or goods.


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