Why the Name T Shirt Bags and What are its Uses?

Plastic t-shirt bags have so many more uses than just bringing home the groceries. They are used to carry almost everything when moving around.

First things first, you might wonder why it is called a T-shirt bag and what are its origins? Well, first if you hold up a plastic T-shirt bag with its handles, it will look more like a sleeveless T-shirt, hence the name! They are indeed durable and yes, attractive unlike other forms of plastic bags.


T-Shirt Bag


Its origin dates back to mid-1960s when a Swedish Company Celloplast came up with the idea of having a sealed bottom for the plastic tube and has the other end punched out to form handles. The company even got a US patent for this idea which later hit most grocery stores in the US by early 1980s in the form of plastic T shirt bags.

The use of these bags has risen in the recent past. If you happen to use plastic and you are wondering what to do with those plastic bags after getting home with your stuff, here are interesting ways for making the most of the T-shirt bag.

  • Do Double Duty: Ensure you reuse them to bring home the next batch before discarding them as long as the quality is pretty good.
  • Coating Meat: You can place flour and spices in a plastic t-shirt bag after that add, beef, chicken or other meats in it, then hold the top and shake well for the meat to be well coated. This will be much cheaper than using zip lock bags.
  • Making Outdoor Mats: Plastic t-shirt bags can also be cut into strips and crocheting them into good mats such as out doormat and also braided mats. The resulting mats are lightweight and can roll up into small sizes.
  • Jar Sealers: To prevent the contents of a jar leak out in a suitcase, consider using plastic t-shirt bag pieces inside the lid of the jar in order to form a double seal. This prevents the content from leaking.
  • Paint Guards: You can also use these bags under furniture when painting to splatter guard the floor.
  • Wiper Protectors: T-shirt bag can be placed around the wiper blades of the car to protect them from the snow and ice buildup especially when it is kept outside.
  • None Stick surface: A plastic t-shirt bag can be used on the countertop as a nonstick surface when rolling dough to reduce the mess than on the cutting board or counter top
  • As Plaster Casts: Choose to wrap the plastic bags around the cast on a broken leg or arm, this helps to protect it when you are taking a shower.
  • Foot Protection: Plastic bags can be put on feet inside the snow boots or rubber boots to keep them dry.
  • Head Protection: Another function of plastic bags is that it can be worn on the head like a rain hat.

T shirt bags have a lot more uses which are not discussed here. Ensure you buy from the right supplier offering the best thickness and dimensions.


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